YouTube just became educational again
"Dislike" any video by keyword - e.g. automatically dislike "MrBeast", "Minecraft", "TikTok" videos
Slowly you'll see your child's blocked videos go down, and the number of approved videos they see, go up.
Do your kids constantly watch Mr. Beast, Minecraft and those loud reaction "Youtuber" videos?
Your kids will only explore as far as the options given to them.
Sadly, the Youtube algorithm isn't very good at giving educational options.
Would you love to chat with your kids about a cool science experiment, the latest Mark Robler invention, or the newest Simone Giertz robot?
Our kids deserve better. More educational, diverse recommendations.
Smart Kids automatically marks any watched video on Youtube as disliked if it has a certain word in the title or description.
As those pesky Minecraft gaming videos are slowly disliked, your Youtube recommendations will slowly improve
and become more educational.
Your children will barely notice that their viewing options have suddenly become more well-rounded.
You specify the words you want blocked.
They're matched against the tile, description and channel name.
You can look to see what videos were "disliked" in any given moment.